Brands can gain stature by reducing their dependence on energy sources that emit greenhouse gases. A great eco-friendly energy source is solar. The freely available solar energy can be harnessed to power any exterior signage in Sydney. One of the first things that people see when they approach your business premises is your signage. As such, it needs to be clearly visible both during the day and night. One of the most environmental friendly ways to power your exterior signage during the night is through an appropriate solar system.
Benefits offered by solar-powered signage

Berlin 2011
Solar-powered signage offers a perfect opportunity to showcase your organisation’s dedication to reduce your carbon footprint. With this option, you are able to build your brand beyond your organisation’s function or business. From energy conservation to not having to pay for electricity to power your signage, there are quite a number of notable benefits offered by solar signs.
In areas surrounding your facility that don’t have ready sources of electrical power, utilizing solar signage eliminates trenching costs. As it is, running electrical lines a distance from a traditional electrical power source call for digging in addition to laying and burying the lines, something that can be quite costly. Opting for solar signage effectively reduces the disturbance to pedestrians and traffic brought about by trenching. Moreover, solar-powered signage offers a chance to place multiple signs around your facility, or in far away locations that would not otherwise be easy to power.
Apart from aiding branding and wayfinding, when used where it is too expensive to trench and run electrical power, solar-powered signage adds more ambient lighting. Customers are naturally attracted to well-light facilities. In this case, ambient light enhances safety, resulting in safer parking lots, driveways and walkways. Ambient light also makes parking lots, driveways and streets safer for motorists who are not able to see as well at night. Here are some of the main benefits of solar signage in a summary:
• Immune to power outages
• Offset CO2 emissions
• Low voltage resulting to reduced liability
• Usually less expensive to install compared to traditional illuminated signs
• Quick return on investment (ROI)
• No monthly electricity costs
• Valuable brand enhancement
• Supports sustainability initiatives
Components of a solar-powered signage system
Solar signage systems are composed of an array of different components. The most obvious among these parts are batteries which store the electricity, LED strips which light the signs, and photovoltaic panels that collect the radiance from the sun and then convert it to electricity. The power management system and the brain of the solar sign are less obvious when compared to other components. The power management system is most important component of a solar signage as it enables to sign to adapt to an ever-changing environment. The system is basically a computer inside a solar signage, and that effectively solves issues such as:
• User’s unique requirements: While solar-powered signs are lighted seven days a week, the hours might change on different days and at different times of the year.
• Directional variances: Solar signs are not always facing south, and shades might vary in addition to reflections from traffic headlights and buildings.
• Environmental variances: Everyday is not sunny, meaning that some days are rainy, cloudy, and so forth.
• Seasonal variances: The length and amount of sunlight changes throughout the year.
Power management systems in a solar signage are run by software applications that take into account all the above listed variables. The software accounts for contingencies that make your solar signage dependable. For their proper functionality, the today’s solar power management systems inside your signage are programmed with over fifty years of local data to make certain the signs remains lighted without your input.
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